mRS. oLIviOs studENt

mRS. oLIviOs studENt

i dREW thiS BAck in HIGH sCHOOl…i hAd thIS teAcher mRs. OLIviO…she wAs fULL blOOd NAtiVE AMERIcAN…sHE hELpeD mE TAKe my aRT to THE NExt LEvEL…she iNTRoducEd me TO PErspEctivE…cOLOR…aNd exPREssiONism…thEY fIREd her fOR sOMe reasoN…aNd GAve us the whAckEST TEAchER oN THE PLANET…i mISS mRs. OLIviO…ANd shoUT OUT to MR. cAPRA wHO shOWed yA boY HOw to dRAW fIGUREs…HE WAs dOPE toO…REMEmBer tHE ONEs whO gET NO cREDIT…”III3″ tEAchERs gET STEPPed On in THE ENd…buT THEy lIVe THRoUGH OUR MEMORIes OF tHEM whEN we dIdNt kNOW JACK!! “III3”